4 Days Lalibela Churches & Trekking Tour


Fly to Lalibela and take the airport shuttle transfer to the Town (40minute) and visit the rock hewn churches of Lalibela.Lalibela is most famous for its churches. Visit the 12-13th century Rock hewn churches called the Eighth wonder of the world which are still active places of worship and host many major religious Ceremonies. The churches are carved out of solid rock, and each has unique architectural features. Take a wander through the tunnels and stairways linking the churches together.

drive to the site where we find a concentration of some of Ethiopians most famous Rock Hewn churches, mostly referred by many as the living wonders of the world, this churches are, they have been here for at list 900 years, an active christen shrine, the spiritual center of the counters religious life. The monolithic churches where carved out of 2600-sq natural rock terrace in the twelve century AD by king lalibela.

BeteMedhanialem, the largest monolithic Rock hewn churches of the world, Magers 37.7 ft in Height, covers an area of almost 2625 Square ft and has walls that are up to 6 feet thick. A plain building supported by 36 pillars on the inside and anther 38 pillars around the outside. BjteMedhanialem modeled on the original st.Merryzion church build by king Ezana in 4th century at axum.

The Rock hewn churchs that we will visit today will be the first group of churches included: BeteMedhanialem, Bete Mariam, BeteMeskel, BeteDenagl and BeteGologota Michal.

we will continue our trip in To Ethiopians long and marvellous past with a visit to other sent Lalibela  Remarkable churches. There architecture and artistry must be seen to be believed.

The Rock Hewn Churches that we will visit this afternoon the second group of churches and St, Gorge it included: BeteGebral, BeteMerquros, BeteEmanule, Betelehiam ,Bete Aba Libanos and BeteGhiorgis .

Once we finished visiting the second group of churches and we will walk to the village so the complex bewildering labyrinth of underground Tunnels to the monastery where the monks and nuns live.

Accommodation at: Sora Lodge

After early Breakfast trek from Lalibela to Degosach Eco lodge   (3800m altitude, which gives you more outstanding panoramic views of the area. The Degosach Eco lodge positioned and take in 360 degree views over the surrounding countryside.

The trekking from lalibela to Degosach Eco Lodge  is enjoyable,  the view starting 5 minute you left the city is spectacular, you will pass through few villages and farms. This will be your first day to learn local community life  in the mountains.

On  the way to Degosach Eco lodge you will take a short break for snack at bête Ambesa village . bête ambesa is a village in the valley, Here you will visit small vegetable, fruit and Coffee farms.

After having your lunch and short brake at the lodge  You can walk to one of the villages close to the the lodge and learn about the life of the local people including farming practices, cattle rearing and local traditions or walk to the children’s school to teach any of subject you would like. Spend the remind of the afternoon enjoying the silence of Degosach Eco Lodge,  overlooking the sunset.

At night gather around the fire not only for the cold but the local people have a lovely tradition to welcome their Gusts by washing gusts feet; of course some of our client call it (foot massage). It is common for the people in the mountain when new Gust arrive to their house first they will give them food, then wash gusts feet and leave their bed for gusts, (of curse now they will not leave their bed for you because they have lodge)

After your diner locals will present a lovely typical traditional dance of the Highland Tribes, you can enjoy the muisc till your time to bed. Enkutatashe Ethiopia tour Guides will give you brief about next day program & options.

Accommodation at: Degosach Eco lodge

In another direction Trek to Yemrehane Kirstos (3hur)Pass through different villages and learn about local crops on different plateaus, Specular view till you reach the church.

After picnic lunch at the valley visit the marble churches called Yimrhannekirstos, which predates the Lalibela churches and was built using a completely different style of construction involving marble and wood. The church is built inside a cave.

After visiting the church, you will be pickd up by 4×4 car to drive to Lalibela, the drive will take you 2hur.

Accommodation:  Sora Lodge

After breakfast we will drop you at the airport for your flight.

End of Tour

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Ethio Simien Trekking Tour and Travel is one of the best tour and travel company specialized in Historic tour, Cultural tour, Nature tour, Photography and filming.

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